Monday, September 13, 2010

WIth Fun Comes Responsibility...

Students want to use the internet in school and teachers want them to learn and be prepared for the future. So combining learning with use of technology allows the best of both worlds. The internet is a infinite space filled with endless amounts of information. As educators we must direct students to portals on the internet that help them focus on content , while using a medium that they often enjoy most. Our guidance on the web is critical due to the large content of unregulated, and harmful info available at the click of a button. In order to provide students with learning opportunites that include using the world wide web, there must be regulations established in classrooms( often at the district level ) designed to keep them safe. In my classroom the most important internet safety rules would be:

1. Do not share personal information
Students have become targets to predators and keeping them along with there families safe should be top priority.

2. Filtered searches should be only allowed and adjusted according to grade level
Curiosity is a commonality amongst young people but if they are limited then this can eliminate so many problems.

3. Time limits
Understanding that the use of the internet is for a purpose with other goals will help keep students on task and also help them make smarter use of their computer time.

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